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 Double-Talking Archive 2017

Donald Trump's answer to fixing the U.S.' cybersecurity problem is to work with Russia
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 14, 2017

Donald Trump (The Donald, Street Corner Donald) has decided the best way to protect America’s computer systems is to work with the country that hacked into Americans’ computer systems.

Trump tweeted that it would be good for the U.S. to work with Russia in order to tackle the growing threat of cybersecurity: “Putin and I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking and many other negative things, will be guarded. and safe. Questions were asked about why the CIA and FBI had to ask the DNC 13 times for their SERVER, and were rejected, still don’t.... have it. Fake News said 17 intel agencies when actually 4 (had to apologize). Why did Obama do NOTHING when he had info before election?” ”


Street Corner Donald said he came to this conclusion that it would be a good idea for the U.S. to work with the country that Congress and Special Counsel Robert Mueller are investigating for hacking into the Democratic National Committee’s computer system after Russian President Vladimir Putin (Poochie Pooh) denied any involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Street Corner Donald tweeted, “I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I’ve already given my opinion...”

Welp, the only problem with continuously blaming former President Barack Obama for his slow reaction to Russia’s meddling into the 2016 Presidential Election is that Donald Trump's opinion about the matter has led him to do nothing about Russia being one of the biggest cybersecurity threats to the U.S.

Russia ordered its band of hackers to break into the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) computer systems and get dirt on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s (Poochie Pooh) arch nemesis Hillary Clinton (The Hills).

And as folks know, Poochie Pooh’s hard work paid off. He sent The Hills to the woods and The Donald to the White House.

So yeah, what better way for Street Corner Donald to thank the man who helped give him the keys to the White House than by giving him (Poochie Pooh) access to the computer system that runs the White House.

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